
Valuation of Inventory / Stocks

Inventory valuation is the monetary amount associated with the goods in the inventory.

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Valuation of ESOPS & Sweat Equity

Employee stock options (ESOP) and sweat equity are one of the favourite methods of attracting and motivating talent given the companies are unable to pay high salaries and need to utilize the freshly infused funds for growing their business.

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Lenders Independent Engineers

A Lenders’ Independent Engineer (LIE) in respect of an infrastructure development is primarily to provide assurance that the development, as planned and designed is suited to the envisaged operational functions, and can be delivered to accepted national and/ or international quality standards within the allocated time and cost budgets.

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Valuation of Intangible Assets, Brand, Intellectual Property

The importance of valuing intangible assets arises from the fact that the reported net worth of businesses may not represent its true value, which more often is in the form of intangibles.

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Valuation of Real Estate

Valuation of real estate deals with all type of legal matters arising out of land & building matters transacted for currency.

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Valuation of Plant & Machinery

Plant, Machinery & Equipment’s are tangible assets i.e. physical and measurable assets that are used in operations of a company.

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